Saturday, October 5, 2013

In Which Miss Hoppington Sails Away

Enjoying the sunshine on the boat
Ahoy Friends!

I've been on a very exciting adventure! My first really big adventure and, my goodness, was it big, the biggest. I got on a big boat and went to Alaska!

Alaska is the biggest state in the United States, even bigger than Texas. I only got to go to a very small part of it and I hope to go back; there is so very much to explore.

 Before I even got to Alaska, I had to get on a big boat in Seattle, Washington. Everyone says it rains all the time in Seattle but that isn't true. It was beautifully sunny the day I got on the boat.
Seattle... not raining today!

After getting on the boat, it took a whole day and two nights to get to Alaska. It's very far away. We went out on the ocean and the waves made the boat go up and down. It made some people not feel very good in their stomach but I felt just fine. I even spent time walking the railing outside my stateroom (that's like a hotel room). I guess I've got good sea legs!

Next time I'll tell you about the first place we stopped in Alaska!

Until then, fair winds!


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