Tuesday, August 27, 2013

In Which Miss Hedda Hoppington Has Her First Adventure

Hi, Ramona!
Hello Friends!

I haven't been much outside of Gabriel Park so for my first adventure, I crossed the Willamette which, to a tiny rabbit like myself, seemed as wide as the Mississippi, and went to hear my friend, Miss L., sing in church. Miss L. goes to a big stone church in the Irvington neighborhood of Northeast Portland.  The church has beautiful stained glass and really pretty needlepoint seats. I even found one that had Ramona on it!

I loved the Ramona books when I was a little kit. Mum used to read them to me before I went to bed. I've been thinking that I should read them again now that I've moved to Portland. For a long time, I thought Portland was a made-up place because of the Ramona books but it's real and it's fun exploring the city! I hope to have a lot of adventures in Portland and when I do, I promise to tell you about them.

Yours ever,


Waiting for my friend to sing...

P.S. I forgot to tell you, the music was wonderful! Miss L. says that her church choir will start singing soon and that maybe I can join. That would be a fun adventure!

Sunday, August 18, 2013

In Which We Meet Miss Hoppington


My name is Hedda Hoppington. I am a young (but not too young) rabbit, out on my own. I enjoy reading good books and watching movies and plays and lots of other things and I want to travel, travel, travel! I live in Gabriel Park in Portland, Oregon but I'm hoping to expand my horizons to the whole, wide world! I hope you will join me on my adventures.

Hop, hop and away!

Hedda Hoppington